Jenn's Uncommon Critters

Adoption Pending

These animals are full on applications and/or their adoption is pending.

If things do not work out with the current applications and/or scheduled adoption, the animals will be moved back to the "Adoptable Animals" page. 

All funds from adoption fees go directly to the care of the animals which include, but are not limited to, housing, feeding, veterinary care, and advertisement for adoption.

*All adoptable animals are adopted as "pet only." While we may have some idea of their morph based on looks and prior owner information, there is not way to guarantee their genetics. Therefore these animals are not to be used for breeding.

Click the down arrow on a picture to learn more about an adoptable animal.

Status: Adoption Pending


Adoption Fee: $100.00

Species: "Fancy" Ball Python

Description: (Morph Unknown)

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Info: JJ was surrendered to our rescue through no fault of his own. He is a docile snake that has proven to be very open to handling. While still a bit head shy, continued handling and socialization will be key for him. He is at a healthy weight and is a fantastic eater. He is currently eating F/T wean rats weekly.

Requirements: Proper sized cage (minimum 40 gallon breeder), proper substrate, proper hides and basking spot, proper heat, and proper diet. Not to be used as a breeder.

Resource for Ball Python Care:

Status: Adoption Pending


Adoption Fee: $60.00

Species: Eyelash Crested Gecko

Description: Tan/Reddish with White (Morph Unknown)

Age: ~3 years old

Gender: Female

Info: Atari is a typical Crested Gecko who spends her days sleeping in the greenery of her enclosure and her nights exploring and hunting. Crested Geckos are not typically a pet that is handled much but are fun to watch. If you do choose to handle a Crested Gecko, keep in mind that they have a tendency to jump. They are an arboreal species and must have vertical climbing space filled with plants and branches. Higher humidity levels are also essential for them to thrive.

Requirements: Proper sized vertical enclosure (minimum 18x18x24) with plenty of hiding places, proper heat, humidity, and UVB, proper diet and supplements. 

Resource for Crested Geckos: 

Have questions or concerns?

Just send us an email or Facebook message.